When it comes to tarot readings about relationships, the cards can show challenges or even love. Each tarot card reader does their reading differently and the personal experiences and the cards must relate during the reading.
It’s important to see what story the cards are telling. This kind of reading isn’t just about a single card but it’s about how all the cards work together to let you see the bigger picture. Here are why love readings are so important:
Why Relationship Readings Are So Important
A relationship reading is full of emotions and matters of the heart. These readings are very deep and personal, and some will bring joy while others will bring sadness. Approaching these readings with care and love is important. The reading can give information on your emotions and the decisions that you need to make as you journey through your romantic life.
The Cards That Speak of Love and Connection
Some cards are great to show up in a love reading and they show positive feelings, growth, and strong connections. These are some of the best cards to show up in a reading:
Knight of Pentacles: Steadfast and reliable, this card represents loyalty and commitment.
King of Pentacles: This card celebrates joy, pleasure, and the enjoyment of life with a partner.
Knight of Wands: A spark of strong chemistry, this card often signals a fiery connection.
Knight of Cups: Pure romance and emotional depth, it’s all about the love.
Page of Cups: Messages from the heart, playfulness, and fun moments in a relationship.
The Lovers: A beautiful union, symbolizing two people coming together in harmony.
Ten of Pentacles: A shared life, often representing stability and partnership. While this is typically a positive card, in certain contexts, it can feel like a “gilded cage,” depending on the surrounding cards.
Nine of Cups/Star: Known as “wish cards,” these suggest happiness and positive outcomes.
The Fool: That exciting feeling of “falling in love” and embracing the unknown.
Six of Swords: Moving away from turbulence toward a more peaceful connection.
Three of Pentacles: A strong foundation and collaboration within the relationship.
Three of Wands: Success and optimism in a relationship’s future.
Queen of Pentacles: A happy and nurturing home life.
The Empress and The Emperor: A perfect match, symbolizing two people who complement each other beautifully.
Ace of Cups: Overflowing love and emotional fulfillment.
Ace of Wands: The spark of passion and chemistry.
Tower: Yes, this card can signify unexpected challenges, but it also represents intense attraction and chemistry.
Ten of Cups: The dream of a happy, lasting partnership.
Two of Cups: Two people with shared emotions and a balanced connection.
Four of Wands: A sense of home, celebration, and even commitment.
Sun/Judgement: High-numbered major arcana cards often signify a “yes” in relationship questions.
The World: Completion and success, pointing to a positive outcome.
These are great cards to show up in a reading and they bring messages of hope and happiness in love.
The Cards That Carry Warnings or Challenges
Not all of the cards in a love reading will be happy. Some will show issues in your love life and things that you need to work on. Here are some cards that might show challenges:
King of Wands: A manipulator or someone who’s hesitant to commit.
Queen of Cups: While intuitive and creative, this card can indicate self-centered behavior or blurred boundaries.
Queen of Swords: A person in a relationship who acts as if they’re single.
Five of Pentacles: Feelings of low self-worth or being “left out in the cold.”
Seven of Wands: Independence that could strain a relationship if one partner is growing away from the other.
Six of Cups: Nostalgia and a desire to return to the past, which might stem from unhealed childhood trauma.
Five of Wands: Conflict, arguments, and power struggles.
Three of Swords: Honest communication that can heal or hurt, depending on how it’s handled.
Three of Cups: A sign of friendship instead of romance.
Justice: Consequences or decisions that need deeper exploration.
Death: A major transformation or an ending, though it could also mean a new beginning.
High Priestess: Emotional detachment or secrecy within the relationship.
Eight of Swords: Feeling trapped, with the potential for gaslighting or emotional abuse.
Nine of Pentacles: Independence that may make compromise difficult.
Nine of Swords: Overthinking and an inability to see solutions.
Ten of Pentacles: While it can mean stability, it might also represent a “gilded cage” where financial benefits outweigh emotional fulfillment.
Nine of Wands: Defensiveness and projecting past pain onto the current relationship.
Seven of Swords: Lies, deception, and mistrust.
Six of Pentacles: Power imbalances and manipulation.
Five of Swords: Arguments and struggles for dominance.
Five of Cups: Sadness, grief, or loss that hinders moving forward.
Four of Swords: A need for healing, which could mean withdrawing from the relationship.
Two of Swords: Isolation and indecision.
Ten of Wands: Overwhelmed by responsibilities or struggles to see the way forward.
The Hermit: A period of isolation or indecision, possibly signaling someone who doesn’t want to commit.
The Moon: Fear, confusion, or hidden truths.
The Tower: Sudden changes, arguments, or endings.
The Devil: Toxic behaviors, controlling tendencies, or unresolved trauma.
While these cards may seem negative, they’re not inherently bad. They provide opportunities to address challenges and work toward growth.
How I Approach a Relationship Spread
When I do a relationship reading, I focus on the client first. The spread I use typically includes these placements:
The Client (Person 1): Where they are emotionally and energetically.
A Problem to Resolve: A challenge they’re facing.
Their Feelings: How they feel about the relationship or the other person.
The Other Person (Person 2): Insights into the other person involved.
A Problem They Need to Resolve: Challenges the other person might face.
Their Feelings: How they feel about the client or the relationship.
From there, I often add three more cards for the past, present, and future or for advice on moving forward. Not everyone wants predictions, so I tailor this part based on the client’s preferences.
Kinds of Tarot Card Love Spreads
When it comes to matters of the heart, tarot card readings can give you clarity and can uncover hidden things in your relationship. A tarot spread that focuses on love can look at your romantic situation and can find out if you need to stay or move on. They can also bring healing. The reading won’t guarantee that you will find love, but it will give you information on how to move forward in your life. Here are some of the most known relationship spreads:
The Relationship Check-In Spread: Ideal for evaluating the current state of your relationship and identifying its strengths and challenges.
The Compatibility Spread: Helps determine how well you and your partner align emotionally, physically, and in your shared values.
The "Should I Stay or Go?" Spread: Provides guidance for those at a crossroads, weighing whether to continue or end a relationship.
The New Love Spread: Perfect for singles seeking insights into attracting new romance and what qualities to look for in a partner.
The Twin Flame Spread: Explores the connection with a twin flame, highlighting areas for growth and harmony in the relationship.
The Healing After Heartbreak Spread: Focuses on finding closure, releasing past pain, and preparing for future love.
These spreads can give you insight into your relationship and they can give you guidance that you need in your specific situation.
Respecting Boundaries in Readings
Getting a relationship reading means that you will have to involve your ex or your partner in the reading. A tarot card reader needs to use ethics and make sure that they are respecting the boundaries of that person and their privacy.
During the reading, the reader should make sure that the client is given real insight and that they are validating their feelings and experiences.
Final Thoughts
Relationships are hard to navigate through sometimes, but tarot cards can help. Whether the cards show joy or challenges, they can give you information that can guide you through your relationships.
Each tarot card reading is a way that you can heal, reflect on your life, and find the path that is best for you. No matter what the cards say, you have the power to make decisions to align with your goals and to seek truth and happiness.